This calendar shows all Sandoval County activities of interest to Democrats.

Latest Past Events

DPNM Elections: Ward E

Sandia Vista Elementary School 6800 Franklin Road, Rio Rancho

Pursuant to a Call from the Democratic Party of New Mexico (DPNM),  Precinct, Ward (running concurrently) and County Meetings of the Democratic Party of Sandoval County (DPSC).

DPNM Elections: Ward C

Building 6374 Highway 550, Cuba

Pursuant to a Call from the Democratic Party of New Mexico (DPNM),  Precinct, Ward (running concurrently) and County Meetings of the Democratic Party of Sandoval County (DPSC).

Second Saturday Breakfast

Taco Mex 2003 Southern Blvd SE #115,, Rio Rancho

Check this event out for some good conversation and program. Please join us and bring friends!