About us



SCFDW’s mission is to support the Democratic Party of New Mexico by encouraging people to 

  • become informed about issues that support Democratic values
  • participate in the political process at all levels
  • promote opportunities for education and training


Our vision is to see Sandoval County become a completely blue county.

Our Executive Board

President:  Barbara Jordan

Vice President: Deb Dapson

Treasurer:  Hailey Fortin

Secretary:  Carla Clark


June E. Anglin

Leah Baczkiewicz

Deborah Barnum

Ellen Beebe

Greg Bennett

Jeannie Bennett

Rebecca Black

Ruth Tucker Bogart

Anne Brady-Romero

Katherine Bruch

William Bumgarner

Kathleen Cates

Genia Chavez

Carla Clark

Douglas Clark

Deborah Dapson

Chris Daul

Judy DeAtley

David DeAtley

Emily (Mimi) Edwards

Terry Eisenbart

Ilean Galloway

Nancy J. Gloman

Rosella Gonzales









Judith Gordon

Deb Green

Kathleen Harvey

Naomi Hatch

Eric Hubbard

Shireen Jacob

Alexis Jimenez

Barbara Jordan

Hannah Leary

Nanette Lenfest

Donnie Leonard

Brenda McKenna

Sue Mealy

Hobbit Merritt

Karen Miller

Dave Modl

Laura Montoya

Mary Morse

Lupita Moya

Pam Neas

Kathleen O’Keefe

Alita (Tweety) Paisano-Suazo

Kitty Perez

Sherrianne Pierce













Alex Piland

Margo Piland

William Piland

Bonnie Leigh Reifsteck

Jae Riebe

Barbara Romo

Linda Sainz

Delbert Schafer

Karen Schafer

Oscar Solis

Christine Spigerelli

Paul Stokes

Laura Stokes

Janet Stokes

John Stover

Pat Stover

Jennifer Taylor

Noreen Vickrey

Joel Wadsworth

Merry Wadsworth

Brenda E. White

Carl Wilke

Donna Wilke